How do you make or break the child in your care?

Good intentions are not enough to nurture a developing mind. How you relate to your child can help to nurture their mental and emotional wellbeing and help build secure attachment bonds.

There are a number of ways that we can nurture a secure attachment bond in our children, whether you are a parent, caregiver, or teacher, which will help build the self-esteem and fortitude necessary to sustain positive mental and emotional well-being throughout their adult lives, and lay the foundations for their own children’s wellbeing; these include:

Improving relationships creates a better environment for children, and addressing issues early can prevent them from becoming long-term problems. It’s better to build children’s minds, than repair them later.

Whether you are in a parenting role, or a teaching role, there are some questions you might ask yourself to assess if you are doing all you can to protect your child’s mental health:

“How does the way I speak to my child hurt or encourage them?”

“How does my parenting or teaching style impact on the wellbeing of the child?”

“How do my own childhood experiences influence my approach to parenting or teaching?”